Reasonable approach to sports

«This cannot go on any longer. I urgently need to do something»

7 workouts per week. A tough diet. Half of the salary for sports nutrition. Daily weighing in the hope of seeing the stunning results of all these efforts.

But result does not come. As well as the motivation to continue.

Sounds familiar?

Inspired by dreams of being slim and often driven by hatred of our own body, we begin to grab onto everything. Because the figure of a dream, as usual, was needed yesterday…

It doesn’t matter that we have not avoided mayo salads for years, celebrated joy with cakes, and grief with cookies.

Despite the desire for quick results, 80% of people quit training within the first 3 months.

Why is this happening?

There is a massive trend showing sport as a battle with the body:

No pain – no gain.
To achieve a beautiful figure, I need to suffer.
I am weak if I miss a workout.

Do you agree with these statements? Yes? So your understanding of fitness fits the definition of «training is a fight.»

But do not destroy yourself, please, there is another way, really. Rest, recovery, and a well-balanced workload are essential prerequisites for maintaining an optimal level of activity.

We subconsciously perceive fatigue as a symbol of success, and this is a problem: if it’s work, then it should be working hard till burnout, if it’s training, then we train to “death”. But this road may lead to disease.

Try to see your body as a long-term project. Over the course of your life, you will learn what it needs for normal functioning, nutrition, and gaining strength. You invest money, time, and other resources in it. So why not pick up pleasant physical activity? It should be a fun exploration, an adventure, not an exhausting duty. Not a fight anyway.

Find a middle ground. Learn to recognize body cues so that you know when to give your best and when to take recovery time.

All health and fitness goals require stable motivation.

You will not notice the first results of training right away. But it is important to understand that the key to success is to do it on a regular basis.

And it is possible if only you really enjoy the process.

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Please note that HEALBE GoBe is not responsible for any content that purports to give medical advice or advice regarding fitness training, exercise, or diet. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and prior to starting a diet or physical fitness program.

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