Nutrition revolution: the right way to eat and lose weight

Balanced nutrition is a great way to control weight and improve well-being. We all know how to eat right quite well, but still prefer to save time and eat on the run. At the same time, healthy eating is a matter of habit.

Here are some tips to help you control your weight simply by adjusting your eating behavior.

Stress level reduction

Our main hero here is cortisol, a hormone also known as the “stress hormone”. It is produced when we are nervous or accumulate emotional fatigue: our body switches to “survival” mode and reduces “energy consumption”.

Experiencing lack of rest, the rhythms of our body slow down to store more energy. Then it releases cortisol, which awakens appetite. Finally, after a sleepless night, we instinctively prefer unhealthy foods high in carbohydrates to restore energy loss. These foods in their turn can also make us slower and cause sleep disorders, making it all cyclic. Slow life, stressful sleep, bad mood, problems at work – this is a vicious circle that needs to be broken. Otherwise, all our dreams of a happy and active life will remain just dreams!

Giving up coffee helps reduce anxiety too. You can develop a habit of drinking green, black or herbal tea every day instead. The antioxidants in green tea additionally reduce cortisol levels.

To be aware of all these summing problems, which can easily grow from invisible to completely unbearable, we must detect them from the very beginning. HEALBE GoBe solves this problem by measuring stress levels when you are awake and asleep. Measuring your body parameters 24/7, GoBe allows you to detect even those changes that may seem insignificant, helping to deal with them right on the spot.

Healthy eating makes you more efficient

Numerous studies show that vegetables, cereals, fiber and other foods low in simple carbohydrates allow us to stay full and active longer.

However, for those who have problems with excess weight, simple advice like “eat healthy food and lose weight” is unlikely to be of much benefit. The best solution is to create a long-term nutrition plan and exercise routine and stick to it.

Here are some other useful habits that will help you shape your body:

○ Eat regularly 3–4 times a day at the same time and try to avoid snacks. Snacks prevent burning calories.

○ Do not skip meals. It may seem that there is nothing wrong about a missed breakfast, but in fact the body needs nutrients after sleep very much. 

○ Drink more water. Fun fact: we often perceive thirst as hunger. Sometimes it is better to choose a glass of water instead of a burger.

○ Increase the percentage of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. We need sugar to stay active, but without vitamins and fiber our diet will always be incomplete. Apples, oranges, nuts, carrots, grapes – all these tasty and healthy gifts of nature should be included in your daily diet.

We can live a much more productive life when we are moving in the right direction and understanding it deeper with GoBe.

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Please note that HEALBE GoBe is not responsible for any content that purports to give medical advice or advice regarding fitness training, exercise, or diet. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and prior to starting a diet or physical fitness program.

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