GoBe and food diaries

Weight loss begins with an evaluation of dietary habits

You can analyze your diet, emotions, and feelings after certain foods using a simple tool – a food diary.

By keeping such a diary, you can track the following indicators:

1. Reason for eating. Was it hunger, food for pleasure, or stress?

2. Feeling hungry. How much hunger were you feeling before eating?

3. Satisfaction. Is the serving size enough for you?

4. Emotional state. Calmness, anxiety, desire to chew something, etc?

5. Physical condition. How you feel after each meal: a burst of energy or drowsiness, heaviness or lightness.

6. Make a list of the most common and rare foods that are often guests in your refrigerator and divide them by day of the week and meals.

7. Remember to pay attention to fortifying your diet with fiber, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

A food diary is useful for analyzing eating behavior but not for counting calories.

It is too inconvenient. You need to constantly weigh food, search for calories on the Internet, or add each product from the dish separately to the application.

And even if you do so, the calorie diary is inaccurate since the calorie base used by the apps is based on averaged information and does not account for differences in production, preparation method, or ingredient quality.

Moreover, calories from food are not really absorbed fully. The calorie intake rate directly depends on age, gender, height, weight, and level of personal fitness.

HEALBE GoBe smart band automatically tracks the calories really consumed by your body, since it gathers data directly from the intracellular fluid dynamics and provides a complete picture of your caloric intake, which is easy to track in the app.

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Please note that HEALBE GoBe is not responsible for any content that purports to give medical advice or advice regarding fitness training, exercise, or diet. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition and prior to starting a diet or physical fitness program.

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