With the help of computer brain scans, Dr. Amen conducted a study according to which there are 5 types of people who are prone to overeat. All these types differ in their perception of life and personality.
These people are often fixed on thoughts about food and feel a compulsive urge to eat something even without feeling hungry at all.
This type of person usually has increased frontal brain activity. This is due to low levels of serotonin, which soothes the brain. To cope with that problem, these people have to find a way to increase its levels.
People of this type find it difficult to maintain attention, are easily distracted, and often mindlessly grab any food available.
Their CT scans show low activity in the frontal area of the brain, which helps to avoid making impulsive statements and rash decisions. This is due to low levels of dopamine in the brain. Overweight smokers, caffeine addicts, and people with ADHD tend to belong to this type as well.
Such people tend to solve that problem by increasing the level of dopamine. Generally, this type needs a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, as well as sports and certain stimulant medications or supplements, such as green tea or L-tyrosine.
These people have characteristics of both types. The problem is solved by increasing both serotonin and dopamine levels.
People of this type overeat to soothe a storm of emotions. Their CT scans show a high level of activity in the limbic system, the “emotional center” of the brain. Optimizing vitamin D levels is usually a good idea for such overeaters.
People of this type try to overeat their anxiety. Their CT scans usually show too much activity in the basal ganglia. This area of the brain is related to the anxiety level. The best solution: calm the brain with meditation, and take a combination of vitamin B6, magnesium, and GABA.
Remember, never diagnose yourself according to any article in the Internet, even from HEALBE 🙂
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