How To Prevent Stress And Lose A Pound At Work
How to prevent stress in such a fast-paced, active and unpredictable world? Surely, this is a question that needs to be answered if we want to have an enjoyable life, minimizing the impact of negative factors and maximizing the frequency of all pleasurable events.
Humankind has managed to develop many different ways to protect against such an unwelcome phenomenon as negative stress. However, the overall minus of almost all these ways is that they require the lion’s share of one’s time and an inadequately great amount of efforts to make them useful. As you know, prevention is always better than cure or emergency measures. Obviously, stress does not show up out of the blue, but has its roots in different events and situations that occur in our life. Moreover, even some of our habits may be the source of serious stress. Therefore, let us look closer at the warning signs of stress in order to prevent a disease before it becomes dangerous.
The most obvious and easily detectable signs of stress are as follows:
• Anxiety, irritability or depression;
• Apathy, loss of interest in work;
• Fatigue;
• Troubles with mental concentration;
• Muscle tensions or headaches;
• Stomach problems;
• Social withdrawal;
• Loss of sex drive;
• Alcohol or drugs abuse;
• Restless fitful sleep.
Surely, even a pair of these factors is more than enough to make one’s life totally vexing. However, there is one more factor that is more dangerous than the lion’s share of others because it leads to the emergence of new stressful situations, burying a person under an avalanche of diverse problems. We are talking about emotional eating that leads to weight gain. This situation is familiar to all of us. How often do we skip breakfast, lunch or dinner and try to compensate the lack of normal food with various unhealthy meals and caffeine? How to prevent stress when you realize that for the whole day, you have not eaten anything useful.
Moreover, quite often we combine this totally unhealthy and stress-causing approach with skipping physical activities. Some people consider that by eating little and minimizing their exercises, they can still lose weight. Needless to say that this idea is wrong. In fact, it is a vicious circle which cannot be changed, only broken. To lose weight we need physical exercises. Otherwise, instead of burning fat we will lose our muscles only. Weak and untrained, we will require even more energy to continue our normal life. More food, more fat, less health – the consequences can be very serious.
Thus, by following this principle, we gain weight, lose energy, waste our precious time and create even more stressful situations. The modern researches conducted by leading scientists and health experts from the best medical centers prove that there is no worst way to fight with stress than to block one’s worries by eating unhealthy food uncontrollably. Thereby, if you wish to understand how to prevent stress, your first step must be aimed at overcoming such a dangerous habit as emotional eating conjugated with minimized physical activity.
Furthermore, some people believe that the best way to overcome stressful situations is to ignore their presence. According to the series of public opinion polls performed by the U.K. Department of Health in 2015, the most popular and unfortunately ubiquitous methods of coping with stress are the following:
• Smoking;
• Drinking too much;
• Sleeping too much;
• Procrastinating;
• Withdrawing from friends, colleagues and any other usual social activities.
By doing any of this, we are opening the gates for the terrible threats to our health. Obviously, there is no one who has overcome stress by drinking or smoking. In truth, even those who are practicing these unhealthy habits do not believe in their effectiveness, they just consider that there is no other way to block the pain. However, when compared with a variety of healthy and highly efficient methods of coping with stress, these activities seem tragic. Let us examine what ‘good’ methods of coping with stress are. For the ease of understanding, we will separate them into several groups according to their main priorities.
Firstly, we should organize our work and determine our main life priorities. Sure, there is no goal worth losing your health for. Thereby, you must establish your own comfort zone, avoid all stressful engagements and concentrate on those aspects of your work that bring you the most pleasurable impressions.
Secondly, we should initiate positive relationships. In other words, we should engage those people who can help us understand how to prevent stress and how to cope with it.
Thirdly, regular exercising is always useful. Moreover, scientists claim that regular physical activity is the best possible way to prevent depression. So grab your sneakers from the closet and remember about all the advantages of jogging in the park!
How to prevent stress
Fourthly, it is essential to eat well. Choose only healthy meals, avoid nicotine and alcohol, minimize refined carbs and eat less sugar. Naturally, it is also a great way to lose weight and transform yourself into a fit and strong person.
Finally, those who wish to know how to prevent stress must focus their attention on a good sleep. Sleep well, sleep healthy and sleep enough. Otherwise, all the previously mentioned methods of coping with stress would do no good.
All these methods are listed in this order only to make them more readable. The order has nothing to do with the priority of each method and it is impossible to follow one neglecting the others.
Surely, the only serious flaw of all these methods is that they require a strong discipline. One just cannot forget about all bad habits and adjust to a healthy life overnight. Luckily, nowadays there is a special way to make yourself ready for all these changes. You can easily control your stress and as a result understand how to avoid it by using modern stress-measuring devices. The most efficient of them is HEALBE GoBe – an innovative solution to track your stress levels.
HEALBE GoBe is a specially designed device, which measures your heart rate and analyses your sleep data for the previous night. By comparing this data with other physiological parameters, such as weight, height, sex and age, it provides you with objective info about your stress level. The HEALBE app requires no extra corrections and the information provided by it is readable and comprehensive. While measuring your stress level, HEALBE GoBe will show you one of five messages. ‘No stress’ is surely a perfect sign, whereas ‘High Stress Level’ is an evident sign of the need for changes in one’s life.
No doubt, this device can be of interest to those who need to determine their stress level to realise what changes are needed. Those who require permanent inspection of their sleep quality and heart rate will benefit from it as well. So, if you consider that you may need something efficient to stimulate your moves in the right direction, then HEALBE GoBe is a perfect choice. Have you ever dreamt of a small electronic assistant to inform you about your body behaviors?
Control your emotions with HEALBE GoBe to avoid your emotions controlling you!
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