The Nutrition and Water-Balance Eye-Opener
“[What] I like is the automatic calculation and generation of your intake and outtake of calories throughout the day based on what you eat and drink.” Gerald B., 45 /…
“[What] I like is the automatic calculation and generation of your intake and outtake of calories throughout the day based on what you eat and drink.” Gerald B., 45 /…
Umo and James C. are a beautiful, healthy, and fit family couple. “A healthy lifestyle” is not an empty phrase for them. Both have been involved in sports their entire lives and have enthusiastically helped other people achieve enviable physical and health results. With their adorable three kids, the whole family is a wonderful example to the world.
Robin S. is a global citizen, a business person, a beekeeper, a swimmer, a musician, a mother . . . The list of things keeping her busy could go on and on. She is one of those who’d prefer to have 25 hours a day because that one missing hour would go so far. Alas, the day is still 24 hours long and not a minute more, which means that Robin has to find the time elsewhere. As many busy people might guess, she does it by cutting her sleep hours and almost literally eating on the run.
Pam is an IT office manager who typically spends “a lot of the day sitting at a desk,” in her words. A few years ago, she moved back to the United States from Korea. On that many-hour flight, she experienced extended discomfort with the airplane seat. That was the moment of truth. She realized she needed to change something.
Britta D. is a mother of two. She was a heavy smoker until, two years ago, she got pregnant with her second son. At that point, she firmly decided to quit smoking—and she did! It was a huge step, but it was 100% forward for her—a wise, timely move for the present and future health of her and her family.
Get up at 5 AM. Make a good jogging circle around your neighborhood to level up the energy you’ll need throughout the day. Still not charged enough? Maybe some bag-punching for the next 30 minutes would fill your energy bar? Shower. Play with your children—they haven’t seen you for an entire night! Discuss a day-plan with your spouse. Get dressed. Have a coffee quickly. Hurry up! There’s a lot to do—and you are already late everywhere!
Keith D. is an IT worker who must spend lots of time in front of a screen, so does he live the typical IT lifestyle? Not really. Keith does not take things for granted, which is why he balances his life with hobbies. In his free time, he plays soccer, rides his bike, and visits new and interesting places, as opposed to sitting on a sofa, and even that is not enough for him. He constantly challenges himself and has participated in two triathlons this year: the 2019 Escape the Cape Triathlon (Sprint) and the NJ State Triathlon (Olympic), finishing both without stopping or walking.
Back in July 2018, Lisa was 207 pounds. Then she just decided to start her way back to a leaner self. Even though she wasn’t an “exercise person,” as she says, in just 3 months, she had already managed to lose some weight by cutting her food intake. Then, in October 2018, she received a birthday present she had been truly looking forward to.
Getting fit and living a healthy life can be a tough decision. Where do you begin? The golden rule of dietology says: “If one wants to stay healthy and maintain a normal weight, he/she needs to burn as many calories as consumed, but if this one would like to lose weight, he or she will need to consume less calories than burned”.