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We are happy to announce the new GoBe3 firmware.
It is already available via your HEALBE app and ready to be downloaded and installed.
We are continuously working on existing features’ update and are paying close
attention to the feedback we receive from you, so let’s see what we’ve prepared for you in the current update:
1. Factory reset feature
Look at the HEALBE original USB charging cable and find the small hole near the USB connector, there is a button hidden behind it. Put your GoBe3 on a charger, then press and hold this hidden button for 4 seconds, by doing this you will initiate a factory reset of your GoBe3. It will clean all personal data and reset your smart band to the factory state – as if you’ve just got it out of the box. This feature will be helpful if you’d bought a GoBe3 as a gift, but couldn’t resist trying it before making a present to whom it was meant to.
2. New UI
In our previous GoBe3 firmware our users had to unlock the device and perform several taps and swipes to dive into the metrics carousel, find the required metric, and only then, finally, one may get the info needed. And in case one needed to look at the same metric after 10 minutes have passed, he/she had to repeat the same sequence, because after 8 minutes the screen state changed back to the Home screen.
We take a feedback from our users seriously and have simplified access to the key-features of our product. From now on the selected metric will always be on your Home screen and there will be no need to search for it in a hidden metrics carousel.
There are now two versions of Home screen: with one or three metrics available simultaneously. Choose the one that suits you via the HEALBE application:
1st Home screen type: ONE ON-SCREEN METRIC
While using this Home screen type, you can look at one detailed metric of your choice:
Energy balance – shows current Energy balance + time of last Meal intake detected
Pulse – shows current Pulse + maximum Pulse value and time it was registered
Activity – shows total duration of one’s Activity per day + step count and distance
Water balance – shows current Hydration level
Stress – shows current Stress level
Sleep quality – shows the Duration of sleep + exact time of awakening
2nd Home screen type: THREE ON-SCREEN METRICS
This Home screen type shows three non-switchable metrics: Energy balance, Pulse, and step count.
The transition to Do Not Disturb and Last notifications screen is done in the same way as for the 1st main screen type.
3. Synchronization alert
Some of our users are so comfortable receiving information directly from GoBe3 that they even forget to synchronize it with the app. To prevent data loss, we will remind you to synchronize by several notifications:
– first reminder – 24 hours after the last synchronization (if there were no synchronizations during this period)
– second, third and fourth reminders – 3 times during the next day (after 32 hours, 40 hours, 48 hours).
– all subsequent reminders – 6 times every day until the synchronization finally happens (every 4 hours: 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, etc.)
All alerts will remain in the notifications’ history.
4. No contact feature
We put a lot of effort into making our algorithms stable even in tricky conditions. We’ve fine-tuned the No contact feature, so after this update alerts will occur much less frequently. At the same time, we remind you that regular cleaning of your smart band’s contact pad is highly important.
Now the first No contact notification will appear in one minute after the skin contact was lost and the frequency of notifications will be limited to one message per five minutes.
5. Localization of the new UI to the Japanese language
6. Fixed some errors in Watch-only mode and the overall stability of different system operation modes has been improved
We hope this update will enhance your GoBe3 experience. And we’re still looking forward to hearing from you.
Wishing you great results with your updated GoBe3 smart band.
HEALBE GoBeが発信するコンテンツは、医療、フィットネストレーニング、エクササイズ、ダイエットに関するアドバイスを目的としたものではございません。健康状態に関する質問がある場合やダイエット、フィットネスプログラムを始める前に、必ず医師またはその他の資格を有する医療従事者の助言を求めてください。
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