Sleep Better with HEALBE GoBe
HEALBE GoBe2 helps users gain insight into their body health regarding calorie intake, hydration level, heart rate, physical activity, blood pressure, and detailed sleep habits. Through personalized reporting, GoBe2 allows users to sleep better, exercise more efficiently, and lose weight faster.
When it comes to body health, getting a good night’s sleep is just as important as eating right and exercising. Not getting enough sleep can undermine your health, worsen your mood, and even impact your ability to lose weight.
60% of people who sleep less than 7 hours a night have a poor hormone production. This includes hormones that are responsible for metabolic processes and hormones that produce feelings of fullness or hunger. Therefore, lack of sleep could lead to weight gain.
On the other hand, too much sleep can also be problematic. Sleeping over 10 hours a day has been known to cause diabetes, heart diseases, and even obesity. This also could be attributed to a failure in a proper hormone production.
Poor sleep quality (for example, troubles with falling asleep or frequent awakenings) is also unhealthy. Difficulties with sleeping is the first sign that your body is unable to relax.
The quality of your life depends on the quality of your sleep a lot. HEALBE GoBe2 is here to help you measure and track your sleep for healthier and happier living.
Measuring the Duration & Quality of Sleep
Measuring the duration of your sleep seems like an easy task, but in fact it’s more complicated than it seems. Sleep tests require physicians, cameras, and dozens of sensors attached to your body – it can be difficult to sleep under the testing circumstances though. Those with severe sleep disorders may opt into this kind of testing environment.However, if you’re looking for insights into your sleep habits to improve your health, invasive testing might not be the best solution.
As a simpler option, there is a number of mobile apps that claim to measure the quality of your sleep. Users are prompted to place their smartphone under their pillow,] and are promised an analysis of their night’s rest. However, these apps are not measuring physiological parameters, instead they are monitoring how often the smartphone moves throughout the night.
Invasive or inaccurate, these measurement methods are impractical for day-to-day use – this is where HEALBE GoBe2 comes in.
How HEALBE GoBe2 Measures Your Sleep
GoBe2 uses HEALBE’s patented FLOW™ Technology to deliver comprehensive insights into your whole body health, including detailed information on your sleep patterns.
Skin contact with the wearable’s sensor allows to get physiological data with the details on the quality and duration of your sleep. GoBe2 provides a sleep analysis by measuring your heart rate and motion behavior throughout the night. It’s known that your heart rate changes during a sleep, and GoBe2’s specific algorithms take that into account.
Which Sleep Parameters are Measured by HEALBE GoBe2?
The recipe for a good night’s sleep is a combination of two things: the quality of your night’s rest and the time intervals of your REM sleep cycle.
A normal night’s sleep is cyclic; there are 4 to 6 cycles, including two phases—fast (REM, or Rapid Eye Movement), and slow (non–REM). The duration of the REM cycle is around 10 to 15 minutes, and non–REM lasts around 70 minutes. Your body recharges, strengthens the immune system, and gets rest during the non-REM phase.
During the REM cycle your brain’s activity changes and your eyes move rapidly under your closed eyelids. To wake up as refreshed as possible, you’ll want to do it close to the end of a REM phase.
Every night, HEALBE GoBe2 monitors your body’s parameters to provide a full data report of your sleep phases, as well as the duration of each one. Within the app, you’ll see a timescale with your REM and non-REM sleep cycles mapped out. With this information, you can determine if you are waking up at the right time to feel well-rested.
(or Involuntary Behavior) and
Awakening (IOS App)
You can set your GoBe2 to wake you up at the ideal point of your REM cycle. You simply need to set a preferred wakeup time, and GoBe2 will track your sleep for the right moment from 0 up to 60 minutes to the set time. (The tracking time interval is also up to you). If REM occurs during this interval of your choice, GoBe2 will immediately wake you up with soft vibrations. However, if REM does not occur during this time slot, GoBe2 will wake you up at the initial set time. For example, if you set your alarm for 7 AM and the tracking time interval chosen is 30 minutes, from 6:30 AM GoBe2 will start to monitor for a REM state to ensure the freshest wake up experience.
Studies have shown that high levels of stress are detrimental to your sleep quality. HEALBE GoBe2 measures your stress level during your night’s rest based on your heart rate variations and physical movements.
Sleep quality is difficult to be measured accurately. A commonly used calculation is the one comparing the amount of time spent in bed to the hours spent sleeping. This method does not reflect accurate data. For example, if you go to bed, fall asleep immediately and sleep for 2 hours only, your estimated ‘sleep quality’ will still be 100%. Although you’ve been sleeping for the full 2 hours spent in bed, 2 hours is not sufficient to be deemed a ‘good quality’ sleep.
HEALBE GoBe2 tracks everything for you – the number of times you wake up, heart rate variations, and the actual quality of your sleep. While the recommended average amount of sleep is about 7 to 8 hours, the HEALBE GoBe2 App allows you to set a sleep duration that’s most beneficial to you.
GoBe2 monitors your sleep quality from the moment you fall asleep until the moment you wake up. Have you been waking up repeatedly throughout the night? Had you been overexcited before you fell asleep? There are many factors that influence the physiological parameters needed for a good night’s rest.
Smart Alarms (IOS App)
Is it hard to get a 100% rating for your sleep quality? Frankly speaking, yes, it is. But you can have a comfortable night’s sleep with lower ratings. At a 76-90% quality level, your body gets enough rest, 61–75% is quite satisfactory, but if you keep sleeping at 46–60% for quite a long period of time, that means you’re experiencing a sleep disorder.
You shouldn’t ignore a low sleep quality percentage, as it could lead to other health concerns. Luckily, a better night’s rest might be easily achieved by simple changes made – darker drapes, less excess physical activity in the evening, or even electronics use reduction before sleep.
Sleep Quality Data Measurements:
• 0–45%—A Bad Sleep
• 46–60%—A Possible Sleep Disorder
• 61–75%—Satisfactory Sleep Quality
• 76–90%—A Good Sleep
• 91–100%—A Very Good Sleep
Another great option that HEALBE GoBe2 offers to help you improve your sleep quality is its unique Quality Alarm. All you have to do is to set your preferred sleep quality, and the alarm will wake you up during a REM cycle within this index. This is a great option for weekends or if you’re on vacation, when the exact time you wake up may not be as important as getting a good night’s sleep.
HEALBE GoBe2 will also offer personalized recommendations on your ideal sleep duration each night.
Getting adequate sleep and waking up during a REM phase are vital components to healthy living. While other fitness apps and devices claim they can track your body health and sleep habits, it’s HEALBE GoBe2 only that can actually track your sleep quality and offer personalized recommendations for better rest, specified by your own body.
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