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During the pandemic period, experts predicted a surge of panic and depression. However, many of the HEALBE study participants from different countries surprised us – they had shown lower stress levels, regardless of the diet or activity level. We suppose it could be related to increased sleep duration.
While working remotely, our participants stopped wasting time on a morning routine, staying in jams while going to their work and back, and it seems that the majority decided to invest saved time for a good nap.
We can only rejoice at the changes, which were brought to our lives when we switched to home offices!
Thus, the sleep quality improved by 11% for 42% of the study participants from Japan, and the stress level decreased by 10%.
Change of parameters in April compared to March(in percent). HEALBE users from Japan. Learn more
Change of parameters in April compared to March(in percent). HEALBE users from China. Learn more
The opposite is also true: half of China GoBe users have a 14% shorter sleep after quarantine, and their stress level increased by 20%.
Keep calm and sleep in
According to our data, only a 10% increase in sleep quality reduces the daily average stress level by 10-20%.
This correlation indicates that our mood and well-being are closely connected to our physical condition. However, as the following example will show, we can control the level of stress separately, without having an impact on physiology.
Every rule has an exception
Surprisingly, the US group has proven that even a significant reduction in sleep (-27%) may not affect stress level. This segment also saw a 17% rise in physical activity and a 6% increase in average calorie intake.
It should be noted that this is the only group among all participants in the study where such changes were found.
We do not have a definitive answer to why this happened, but there are two hypotheses that could explain it:
A change of parameters in April compared to March(in percent). HEALBE users from the US. Learn more
- Physical activity has a positive effect on mental wellness
This version is supported by a study from the University of Washington State in Vancouver. Participants in the study, who gradually increased their physical activity, noticed a decrease in negative feelings during exercises and a developing sense of calmness. - Stress levels may have been affected by yoga and meditation
Stress reduction trend in spite of sleep shortening appeared only among American HEALBE female users over 30.
According to a publication by the Department of Health Sciences at the University of California, in this particular segment was the majority of the U.S. citizens who practice yoga.
How to become calmer while staying remote?
- The time you used to spend on traveling and preparing to work is better to barter for a good nap. It surely can make your day more peaceful.
- Sports, meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga will help you to calm down and increase your efficiency in your work. If you have not yet improved your quality of life with these methods, now is the best time to try it!
An important success factor in any endeavor is tracking your progress. Watching in plain sight how your stress level drops day after day will give you confidence and motivation to move on.
The HEALBE GoBe smart band calculates your stress level by checking your pulse in real time and comparing it with body parameters. On the graph in our application, you are able to track stress level for the last week, in detail.
HEALBE uses a 5-level scale for stress, where level 1 indicates no stress and level 5 indicates a very high stress level.
Do you want to know how residents of other countries reacted to quarantine? Click on the link.
Smart band uses a unique FLOW technology to track your calorie intake, body hydration, sleep and stress level as well as pulse, steps, and distance. Order yours today!
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