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How not to gain weight while staying “remote”?

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We at HEALBE decided to find out how our users from the USA, China and Japan had been watching their waistline in the crazy April of 2020, when the first lockdown “waves” were only on the rise.

The sharp drop in physical activity among GoBe users and round-the-clock access to a fridge should have naturally resulted in overeating. This is only partially true – many of the HEALBE study participants from the U.S. started to burn fewer calories after their step count decreased. At the same time those users, who started to move less, reduced their diet too. This is especially true for Japanese people – these guys have a real cult of being fit!

In China, on the contrary, in one of the study groups, a movement activity in April increased by 207% compared to March, and calorie consumption increased too.

The reason is that in April 2020 in China, the restrictions were already being lifted, while all over the world the lockdown wave was just rising.

A change of parameters in April compared to March(in percent). HEALBE users from China. Learn more

The opposite statistics in the Celestial Empire proves the general trend – along with a forced decrease in physical activity, our users have reduced their calorie consumption.  

On the one hand, such a reaction to lockdown may arise from the fact that our body just does not need as much energy as it needed before; on the other hand – probably so much attention to a waistline nowadays may be caused by the availability of information about the calories absorbed. The Energy balance data is always ready at hand for GoBe users (or on hand, to be precise).

Our study participants had a chance to watch in real time how many calories were absorbed and how many spent during the day, so they did not overeat. 

The findings of our study may not be relevant to the average remote worker unless we are not speaking about ones who keep a food diary.

Sooo…how actually not to gain weight while staying “remote”?

It’s hard to keep an eye on your diet when you’re at home 24 hours a day – food is always waiting out there. 

Those of our users who have significantly limited physical activity hardly gained a pound during the lockdown – the decrease in their step count and daily amount of burned calories was almost always accompanied by moderation in food.

Just watch how much you eat during the day and avoid snacks. Calorie intake should not exceed the number of calories burned.

Don’t forget about physical training

Spend the hours you’ve saved on working commute to physical training.

We at HEALBE Team has created a series of effective home training workouts for you to keep in good shape. The exercises will help you burn extra calories, the rest will as usual be counted for you by GoBe. Exercises are now available on the official Instagram-account and our YouTube channel. Sign up!

Do you want to know how people in the U.S. and other countries reacted to the lockdown? Click on the link.


Smart band uses a unique FLOW technology to track your calorie intake, body hydration, sleep and stress level as well as pulse, steps, and distance. Order yours today!

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